Monday, September 8, 2014

No Excuses

     I know it's been far too long since I've updated either of my blogs; it seems to be an awful habit I've yet to dig myself out of  (forgive my ending of a sentence with a preposition). However, if you would care to know what I've been up to since my dad died in January, then I guess you've come to the right post. Prepare for a lengthy read, for I'm too lazy to break it up into five hundred word limits like I usually do; perhaps I'll put a "tl;dr" summary at the end for you lazy ones.
     Let's see here, first you should know that I dropped out of my spring semester classes, thus preventing me from enrolling in necessary summer courses. Hopefully, if all goes well, I'll be back in the swing of things this coming January, picking things up where I left them. It was a bittersweet decision for me. Bitter in that I would be a year behind, assuming that I am granted re-entry into the program. Sweet in that it gave me more time to get other arrangements figured out, housing, mode of transportation, and a job transfer. Bitter in that I would be leaving classmates I had since grown fond of, and sweet in that I was given the opportunity to work more hours that I desperately needed. I hope someone out there picked up on my "Gran Torino" reference.
     I guess the next thing that happened was I went to Texas for Fairy Prince's graduation, and on my way home from the airport I got into a wreck. My breaks went out and I ended up rear-ending a Nissan Altima. Estimated damages on their car:  approximately one thousand dollars. On my car? Much, much more than that. Allison was totaled so I ended up getting this crappy 2000 Taurus. It's been giving me so many problems since I've had it, I think I've been turned away from Ford forever. You say, "Oh it's only one car, don't be so harsh on the whole company." I say in response to you, my good people, "Every Ford that has ever been a part of my immediate family has given us too many problems to count; mine just happens to be the straw that breaks the camel's back." As a matter of fact, I'm going to a mechanic later this afternoon to see if we can figure some things out.
     The biggest step so far, in my opinion, is that I bought a house. It's rather cozy for what it is, and it's in the country away from the noisy hustle and bustle of neighborhoods, businesses, and the like. I have a roommate, my best friend, who lives with me. It's a nifty arrangement I suppose. We can butt heads from time to time, but only because we're both so similar and headstrong at times. We have some neighbors, but only a few who keep to themselves. I like the quiet; it's what I wanted in a home when I moved out on my own.
     Luckily, in June I was offered a promotion at work. Go ahead and get your chuckles out because we all know how fun it is to work at McDonald's. However, it isn't too bad, at least not at the store that I work in. With the promotion I'll be getting at least twenty-five cents, fifty if I'm able to get certified working in the grill. Also, since it is September, my store is having performance checks. This means, if the employee has worked well enough he or she is eligible for a raise. How much isn't certain, but something is better than nothing. I got one in April, so here's to (hopefully) another one this month! Upon completion of this first bit I've already been told I would be moving up one more step into management. Awesome news for someone who has only been with the company for a little over a year.
     There's some family issues that have been going on since my dad's passing that I don't feel is necessary to get into on the internet. Some things are best left unsaid, I suppose. Other than that I feel like that about sums everything up! I hope you enjoyed reading!


  • I moved out
  • Wrecked, got a (crappy) car
  • Bought a house, living with my best friend.
  • Promotion at work with another on the way, hopefully a raise this month
  • Unmentioned family drama
There ya go, lazy bones! Read ya all next time!
