Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Blogging Challenge-Day 1

Okay, so in effort of trying to get back in to the routine of maintaining this blog, I have decided to take up this blogging challenge. I stumbled upon it in my gallery, which I assume has been sitting there for some time because I don't have any memory of saving it in the first place. I suppose this has been a thing for a while now.

The first day is really simple, although now it's early on day two. However, I digress. Day one is the name of this blog. I don't see a purpose for this one unless it's meant to be an ice-breaker of sorts, but on every blog the name of it is at the top. I'll take it a little further and explain why I've chosen to name my blog the name it is since I feel like it make things a little more interesting than just [Blog Title Here] [End Day One].

You happen to be reading from the blog entitled, "Ramblings of a Procrastinator." It is named, I feel quite fittingly. I have the habit of just talking, talking, talking, talking, talking, especially if I know you personally and actually like you. Most times I talk without really a purpose, which is why it isn't named with an adjective like advice or some other more important word. Procrastinator was chosen because, at the time, I was in college and like most students completed assignments at the last second, if at all. Now, at work and home I tend to do things last second also. Although at work, I'm lucky to get anything finished even if I start early. It seems like that anyway.

So there you have it, day one. I might have to look in to queuing my posts because I don't know if I'll have the time to even make a post day-by-day. Well good night!
