Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Day Two: Twenty Facts

Wow, I couldn't even make it through one day without missing a post. It's already the eighth day of the month and I'm stuck on day two. I really have to get into a better routine. However, in my defense I honestly thought it was the fourth. Working every other shift gets to a person after a while; all of my days are mixed up. Anyway, without further ado, I present twenty facts about myself.
  1.  I have a fraternal twin sister, who everyone swears is identical. Her name is Jennifer and she's my world.
  2.  I'm currently twenty-two years old, but I feel much older. Maybe because I work too much and sleep too little, who knows?
  3.  I live on my own, with my roommate and close friend. He gets on my very last nerve sometimes, but he's not a bad guy. I also can be a nuisance to him sometimes so it sort of works out.
  4.  I've only ever had one job, and it's my current one, McDonald's.  I've been with the company for two years and four months.
  5.  Although it's the only job I've had, I haven't held the same position. In the time I've been here I've moved on to becoming the assistant store manager.
  6.  I officially have one cat. Her name is Bumble, and she's a calico American Short-hair. I adopted her from PetSmart with my ex-fiance when we lived together. Unofficially I have two more and a third coming around. Alfred is a short-haired orange tabby who is very affectionate. A tortoiseshell calico comes around a lot and is warming up to me a little. She's quite skittish and doesn't have a name yet. I was thinking of Mindy.
  7.  I'm a Whovian, and I'm a huge fan of Star Wars. If you ever want me to nerd-out, get me talking about these.
  8.  Disney is probably my favorite kind of movie. I'm usually always in the mood for one.
  9.  Disney music is one of my guilty pleasures, and I could listen to Christmas music all year if I could get away with it.
  10.  When I can't listen to these (whether it's because of embarrassment or constant complaints due to the season), I listen to pretty much anything as long as I don't have to hear a commercial.
  11.  My favorite foods would consist of pizza, ice cream, potato soup (almost any kind of soup, really), and chocolate.
  12.  Dr. Pepper runs through my veins, I think. I'm always sipping on a cup of the stuff.
  13.  I can't hold my liquor very well, but that doesn't stop me from drinking it. I don't go out and drink, just to a friend's house most of the time. Other times I'll take a shot or two to help me sleep. I think six is my limit. I'm super affectionate and loquacious. At seven, depending on how strong it is, that's when I become friends with the bathroom.
  14.  I've only had one hangover, and it was one of the worst feelings in the world.
  15.  I actually like my job. It doesn't mean there are times I question what I'm doing with my life because of some of the utterly ridiculous things people say and do.
  16. I don't like the sound of clapping or approve of using long shoe laces.
  17.  Grammar is something I love, love, love. I'm not perfect at using it, and I don't know everything about it, but I love it nonetheless.
  18.  The Oxford comma is a necessity in life and should not be overlooked or under-appreciated.
  19.  My role model is my dad. If I could grow into half the woman as my father was a man, then I think I'd have a pretty happy life.
  20.  If there was ever a person I could talk to, even if it was for five minutes again, it would be my dad. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about him and what he would think about me now.
And there you have it! Twenty facts about me that really didn't serve a point. Thanks for reading anyway! Til next time,